A home air conditioning system is a complex system with lots of moving parts. If one part starts to fail, it can quickly affect the rest of your system and lead to bigger problems and higher repair bills.

Keeping up with HVAC maintenance twice a year reduces the chances of an unexpected breakdown. But it’s still important to know what signs to look for.
A dirty air filter will allow dust, dander and other allergens that should be filtered out to pass through. These pollutants will then get distributed throughout your entire house and cause respiratory problems for you and your family. In addition, the dirt can accumulate in your ducts and cause mold which is also unhealthy for you and your family.
Your system will have to work much harder to push air through a clogged filter, which in turn will increase your energy usage. In fact, the extra strain on your system can lead to a sudden breakdown of one or more of its components, such as the blower.
A clogged filter will also prevent the air conditioner from absorbing heat from your home’s air. As a result, the internal evaporator coil will freeze up and could crack as it thaws.
As a homeowner, you should make sure to check and change your air filters monthly. This is a simple task that will save you a lot of money in the long run. It is a good idea to mark on your calendar or set a reminder on your phone so you don’t forget.
Changing your air filter is a very inexpensive maintenance task that can protect you from expensive AC repair and other potential repairs. Keeping up with this simple task will give you and your family peace of mind.
If you notice that your air filter is clogged, you should replace it right away. By doing this, you will not only improve your indoor air quality but also save on your monthly energy bills. This will help to reduce wear and tear on your system and prolong its lifespan, which in turn will cut down on costly AC repair and maintenance costs. If you neglect to replace your air filter, it may eventually lead to a complete system failure, requiring the cost of a new HVAC system. In other words, replacing the air filter can save you thousands of dollars in costly repairs and replacement expenses.
Condenser Fins
A few bent fins on the outdoor condenser unit aren’t going to hurt the AC, but the problems really start when 30% to 50% of them become bent. When this happens, the air conditioner must work harder to cool your home, and you will pay more in energy bills. Using a fin comb can help straighten out some of the damaged fins, but the best thing to do is have your yearly air conditioning service visit. The technician will evaluate your air conditioner and fix any issues that can lead to lower cooling efficiency and a shorter lifespan of the unit.
To prevent bent fins, keep the outside unit free of debris and leaves. A fence or gate around the unit will also keep pets, kids and gardening activities from damaging the fins. Keep in mind that the evaporator coil on the inside of your home is also covered with fins, and it’s important to maintain both to ensure proper airflow.
If you’re cooling your home but it feels hotter than usual, a dirty air filter or indoor evaporator coil may be the culprit. A lack of refrigerant or an undersized air conditioner will also reduce efficiency and performance.
The first step to fixing an AC that is running constantly but not cooling well is to turn off the breaker in your electric panel that controls the outdoor unit. Then you will want to disconnect the power cord on the unit and use a voltage tester to make sure all the wires coming into the contactor are disconnected. With the breaker and cords off, you can remove the top cover of the condenser unit and begin the repairs. Use a cordless drill or screwdriver to turn out the screws that hold the condenser fan assembly in place, and be sure to bag and set the screws safely aside. Now you can use your hose to spray foaming condenser coil cleaner into and through the fins, making sure that you aren’t touching them directly. Allow the cleaner to sit for about 10 minutes. After the cleaner has soaked into the fins, use your hose to rinse it off and clean away any remaining dirt and grime.
Thermostat Settings
Thermostat settings can have a big impact on the performance and efficiency of your home cooling system. Having optimized settings helps your air conditioning system run at its best while saving you energy and money.
Some thermostats have a programmable feature that allows you to set different schedules for each day of the week, while others can be controlled manually using the “wake” and “leave” settings. These settings are important to keep in mind because if your AC is constantly being switched on and off, it can lead to various parts of your system wearing down faster than they should.
If your thermostat is constantly cycling on and off, it can be a sign of a dirty thermostat sensor or a problem with your furnace. If this is the case, you will need to have a professional check it out and replace the dirty sensor or repair your furnace.
Another common issue is that your thermostat is not working at all or is incorrectly reading the temperature of your home. If this is the case, you should first make sure that your thermostat has power by checking the batteries or other sources of power like fuses and breakers. If that is not the case, you will need to have your thermostat recalibrated, which will vary by model.
When you’re setting the temperatures on your thermostat, be sure to set them at a level that is comfortable for your family. If you’re trying to save energy, lowering your thermostat at night and when you leave the house can help you see an increase in savings.
It’s also a good idea to have your thermostat positioned in a central location that is out of direct sunlight and away from other heat sources. This will help your thermostat read the temperature accurately, which will help prevent it from wasting energy by over or under heating your home.
Electrical Issues
An air conditioning system relies on many electrical components for operation. When these parts fail, it can cause problems that can be difficult to pinpoint and fix without the help of a professional. If you notice a tripped circuit breaker, or if your AC system seems to be using more energy than usual, you should call an HVAC specialist as soon as possible. These professionals are trained to repair electrical issues in HVAC systems and can correct them before they lead to more expensive mechanical failures.
Electrical problems in your HVAC unit can include faulty wiring, loose connections, and broken circuit boards or capacitors. These issues are often easy to diagnose, but they can be difficult to correct on your own without the proper tools or knowledge. Because working with electrical components in an air conditioning unit can be dangerous, you should always use a professional when dealing with AC unit electric wiring problems.
One of the most common electrical problems in an AC unit is a tripped circuit breaker. If you notice that your circuit breaker is constantly tripping when you turn on your air conditioner, this is a sign that it is consuming too much energy for the circuit that it is hooked up to. This can eventually result in a system breakdown and may even be a fire hazard.
Another sign of an electrical problem in your AC is a burning smell. A burning smell can indicate that there is a short in your system, and it should be repaired as soon as possible to avoid further damage to the compressor.
A blown fuse or a tripped breaker are also signs of electrical problems. If you have replaced the fuses in your system, but they keep blowing or trippping, it could be an issue with the wires that are connecting them to each other. The wires can become damaged due to corrosion, disconnection, or fraying, and this can disrupt the flow of electricity throughout the entire system.
There are a number of different electrical problems that can affect an AC unit, but the most important thing is to contact a professional as soon as possible. A professional will be able to diagnose the problem and repair it without causing further damage.